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Alameda County, CA,

Larry Brooks
Healthy Homes Department
Including the Lead Poisoning Prevention Program

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How to Become a Contractor Approved to Work on ACHHD Lead Hazard Repair Projects

Note: If you are a contractor interested becoming approved to bid on Housing Rehabilitation projects go to the Housing Rehabilitation Contractors page

The Alameda County Healthy Homes Department provides technical and financial assistance to property owners to reduce the hazards caused by exposure to lead-based paint and lead contaminated soil and dust through its Lead Hazard Repair program.

The nature of these lead-hazard reduction jobs is generally paint film stabilization (repainting using lead-safe work methods), minor carpentry which might include repairing or replacing doors, trim, windows, siding, or stairs, cleaning and minor landscaping. The majority of the work is done on 1 to 4 unit properties. Learn more about the Alameda County Healthy Homes Department Lead Hazard Repair services. Please let your clients know about our services!

What are the Requirements?

We are looking for competent painting (C-33) and general building (B) contractors capable of handling projects which are varied both in nature and size.

Our Program requirements are that contractors must:

  • Have an active State of California Contractors State License Board license in the classification of C-33 (painting) and B (general construction).
  • Have valid automobile insurance coverage
  • Have current worker's compensation insurance
  • Have good references
  • Have current general liability including pollution (lead) insurance with the limits of $1,000,000 per occurrence and $50,000 property damage.
  • That you either are, or you employ, a California Department of Public Health Certified Lead-in-Construction Lead Supervisor.
  • That you either are, or employ, an EPA/RRP Certified Supervisor.
  • That all workers who will perform lead disturbing work have at least completed the one-day EPA RRP class or are California State Certified Lead-Related Construction Workers or Supervisors.

How Can I Get More Information and Apply?

Contractors who are interested in being on the list of approved contractors for ACHHD lead hazard repair projects should fill out and submit an application (see below). Also, contractors interested in finding out more about the type of projects the ACHHD funds may call our bid line (510) 567-8256 at any time for a list of current projects requiring bids or may call the ACHHD at (510) 567-8280 and ask to speak to a lead-project designer.

Apply by printing out and completing the Housing Repair Contractor Application.

Mail or drop off your completed application and all attachments to:

Shantel Ruiz
Alameda County Healthy Homes Department
2000 Embarcadero, Suite 300
Oakland, CA 94606

Hours: 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday

Or scan your application and all attachments and email to:

Small, Local and Emerging Business Program

Alameda County has a program for Small, Local and Emerging Businesses. Find out more at:

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