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Larry Brooks
Healthy Homes Department
Including the Lead Poisoning Prevention Program

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Lead Paint Hazard Repair Funding

Need more information? We are here to help. Please complete this brief survey and one of our team members will contact you to provide more information, answer your questions, or help you complete the application.

Free Lead Paint Hazard Repair Grants for owners of pre-1960 residential properties in Alameda County
Our Lead Hazard Repair Funding approved applicants are provided with free lead testing, grant funding of up to $10,000 per unit for lead paint hazard repairs, free inspection for other healthy housing hazards that may be eligible for additional supplemental funds, and an assigned professional who will provide extensive project assistance to help make your home or property lead-safe.

Printable Flyer with Pre-Application (PDF)

Fondos Gratis Para Reparación De Peligros Por Plomo (PDF)

鉛害維修工程基金預先申請表格 (PDF)

Rental Properties: Printable Flyer with Pre-Application (PDF)

(Contractors: If you are a licensed contractor interested in bidding on projects for the Lead Hazard Control Program please go to the page How to Become a Contractor for the Lead Hazard Control Program)

What properties are eligible?

  • Properties must be pre-1960 residential property in Alameda County.
  • The units must be family housing; SRO hotels are not eligible.
  • Owner-occupied units must be home to a child under six years old or a pregnant person, or be regularly visited by a child under six at least 2 visits per week of at least 3 hours each visit.
  • Studio units must be home to a child under six years old or a pregnant person.
  • The units must have low-income occupants. The income limit is determined based on the number of people living in the household, including children. The gross household income of the occupants may not exceed the amount listed in the chart below.
Persons in household 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2024 Income Limit $84,600 $96,650 $108,750 $120,800 $130,500 $140,150 $149,800 $159,500

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What are the benefits of participating?

The Alameda County Healthy Homes Department will provide the following free services:

  • A free lead paint inspection and risk assessment of the interior and exterior of your property
  • A healthy homes inspection conducted by the Healthy Homes Department's professional staff
  • Health education for families with young children to learn how to prevent lead poisoning
  • A work plan to reduce lead hazards prepared by a state certified professional that also provides estimated pricing
  • Inspection for other safety and healthy housing issues that may qualify for additional supplemental funds
  • Assistance with selecting qualified licensed, certified, and insured contractors trained in lead-safe work practices
  • Project monitoring and clearance testing to assure your property is lead-safe
  • EPA Lead Safety for Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) training in lead-safe work practices for your maintenance crew
  • A comprehensive maintenance manual to help you keep your property lead-safe

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What work can be done with the funding?

When lead-based paint or soil hazards are identified, lead hazard reduction work may include:

  • Safely repainting deteriorated lead-based paint on the exterior and/or interior of the property
  • Repairing conditions such as rubbing doors that contribute to the creation of lead hazards
  • Replacing damaged components such as rotted siding or windows that have deteriorating lead-based paint.
  • Landscaping over areas of bare lead contaminated soil
  • Specialized cleaning of lead dust
  • Supplemental grant for other safety and healthy housing issues which may include smoke alarms, carbon monoxide alarms, grab bars, mold and moisture repairs, and electrical and plumbing repairs.

The funds available through this Program may only be used for lead hazard control and healthy homes work. All funds are paid directly to the contractor who has been approved to conduct the work.

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What financial assistance is available?

Grants of up to $12,000 per unit for lead paint hazard repair work.

Lead Paint Hazard Repair funds may be used for lead paint hazard control work as identified by the lead paint inspection and risk assessment.

Healthy Homes Repair funds may be used for healthy homes repairs identified by the ACHHD project specialist. The amount of funds provided will be based on the cost of the repairs which may be less than the funding limits.

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What are the requirements?

  • Work must be conducted by contractors trained in lead-safe work practices and pre-approved by ACHHD.
  • The work needed must be feasible with the financing available, all lead hazards must be addressed and the property must meet basic standards of habitability.
  • Owner must have property insurance.
  • Rental units when vacant must be made available and marketed to low income families and the owner must give priority to families with children under six for at least three (3) years
  • The owner must maintain documentation for meeting the above requirement. The Program will provide guidance.
  • Your property will be included on the Lead-Safe Housing Registry.

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What about my liability?

Having a lead-safe and healthy property is the best protection against liability. Letting old lead-paint peel or doing uncontained paint removal is against state law and can increase your liability. By participating in this program you are taking pro-active steps to make your property lead-safe. At the completion of the work, you will receive a clearance report showing that lead hazards have been addressed in participating units. As with any other safety or habitability issue, on-going maintenance will be needed.

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How do I apply?

To apply for Lead Hazard Repair Services and Funding:

For more information call 510-567-8280.

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What happens after I apply?

Your application will be reviewed for eligibility and rated based on the priority criteria mentioned above. We will be available to talk with you about how the program works, answer any questions, and offer an on-site consultation if needed. You will be notified in writing as to whether your property has received approval to move forward with the application process at which time additional information will be requested. When the application process is complete, a project designer will be assigned to your project and will work with you from start to finish to make your property lead-safe.

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