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Alameda County, CA,

April Williamson
Interim Deputy Director
Healthy Homes Department
Including the Lead Poisoning Prevention Program

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Free Soil Screening: Dig - bring - learn!

a person inspecting dirt in a dish

Free Soil Screening: Dig - bring - learn! Join us for a SoilSHOP at the Eggstravaganza!

When: Saturday, March 23, 2024, 11 AM - 3 PM

Where: Meek Estate Park, Cherryland neighborhood, 240 Hampton Rd., Hayward, CA 94541


Collect soil samples from your home garden or kids' play area for free testing at the soilSHOP. We can test up to 3 soil samples per household. The video below, as well as this cartoon and this graphic, can help you sample right.


Bring your soil samples with you to the Eggstravaganza event on 3/23/24 at Meek Estate Park. Look for our booth!


You will get same-day soil screening results during a personalized conversation with a health educator. Learn best practices to avoid lead exposure, tips for safer gardening, and information about blood lead testing in your community.

Lead and children's health

Lead is a naturally occurring metal that can cause negative health effects. People are exposed to lead by eating lead chips, ingesting contaminated food or water, and or by breathing in lead dust. Children younger than 6 years are more likely to be exposed to lead dust due to their hand to mouth behavior. Because of their developing nervous system, children younger than 6 years old are particularly vulnerable to the effects of lead exposure since lead is easily absorbed in their nervous system.

No safe blood lead level in children has been identified and even low levels of lead in blood can cause developmental delays, difficulty learning, behavioral issues, and neurological damage. The effects of lead poisoning can be permanent and disabling. Parents and healthcare providers can take steps to protect children from lead exposure.

If parents are concerned about child lead exposure, we can recommend blood lead testing for children. A blood lead test is the best way to find out if a child has lead poisoning. We can refer kids to a blood lead screening test.

Soil, gardening, and your health

Lead can be found in the soil of some gardens. It can come from industrial sites, hobbies, or activities like home automotive repair or making fishing sinkers or ammunition, or from historic, widespread use of leaded paint and gasoline. SoilSHOPs are community events to offer free soil lead screenings and health education about soil lead contamination to residents.

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